Vitamin D Deficiency Can Be Harmful To Elderly Adults

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Choosing Excellent Home Health Care As someone who is fiercely independent, I never imagined myself living in an assisted living facility. For that reason, when I was diagnosed with a serious condition, my doctor recommended home health care. It was a little bit intimidating for me at first, but before I knew it, I was living at home, receiving the care I needed from the comfort of my own bed, and getting stronger each and every day. I had such a powerfully positive experience with home health care that I started this very blog. Read more about how home health care could help you or your family members.



Taking care of an aging family member can be a lot of work and requires a lot of time. In fact, in some instances, the task can be so overwhelming that there is little time left to take your loved one outside to enjoy the warmth of the sun. However, not only is a lack of sun exposure unfavorable for mental health, but it can also lead to a vitamin D deficiency. Learn about some of the issues that develop from decreasing vitamin D levels.

Muscle Weakness

A lack of sun exposure can lead to vitamin D deficiency which can lead to muscle weakness, which is especially unhelpful for older adults. With age, some level of weakness naturally occurs. Additional weaknesses exacerbated by this deficiency can make everyday tasks, such as walking around the house, more challenging. Muscle weakness can also promote immobility, which is equally unhealthy and can lead to additional issues.


Similar to muscle weakness, another one of the less-than-favorable aspects of the aging process is fatigue. However, a decreased level of vitamin D in the body can intensify this issue. When a person spends time outside, the sun's rays activate a process that generates this vitamin. A lack of sun exposure can alter this vitamin production process and result in fatigue. While a diet rich in nutrients can help, spending time outside is also beneficial.

Digestive Concerns

It is not unheard of for elderly adults to also experience digestive issues. Vitamin D is essential in this area because it helps regulate the absorption of essential minerals, including iron and calcium. If your loved one does not have adequate vitamin D levels, it may be harder for them to perform proper absorption, which can have an impact on other areas of their health.

Complete Care

Individuals that work in the home care field are trained professionals. These professionals understand how to assess the health status of their clients, administer medication, help around the house, and still have time to take your loved one outside on occasion. Whether it is a drive to the park to sit outside or even a few moments on the porch to get some sunlight, a home care professional will ensure your loved one is well taken care of in every aspect. 

Keep your aging loved one happy, active, and healthy. Learn more online about the various ways home care can benefit your loved one and your entire family.

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